Summerize Your Boat

As the weather heats up, more people will begin using their boats again, however, you need to de-winterize your boat to make sure it is safe for use. For most people, their boat has been sitting for 3-4 months in which time your tank can breakdown, moisture can corrode metal parts, hoses can rot. Here are the steps we recommend:

First, if you don’t know how to yourself, take your boat to a mechanic to have the batteries, fluid level and engine checked to make sure your boat will run.
While you’re there, the mechanic should also check all the necessary safety equipment and mechanisms, such as the water pump, bilge pump, fuel system, electrical system, lights, etc. Unless you are a seasoned boater and knowledgeable on all the workings, it is good to have this performed once a year before a summer full of use.
Next, make sure your boat is still compliant with all your state’s boating laws. Check for life jackets, throw cushions, fire extinguishers, visual distress signals, navigation lights, bells or whatever else your state requires for boating safely.
Finally, if your boat is kept on a trailer, make sure the wheel bearings are greased, tires still in good condition, and that the break/signal lights work.
After these steps are performed, you are ready for a fun, safe boating season.